An Introduction to Art History by Dale Webster Series 4
This Wednesday at The Art Space, Dale Webster will lead the fourth of a series of four conversations about Art History.
Continuing the themes explored in previous sessions, Dale will examine the ways in which Western art practice took the form it did.The discussion will explore art history through themes as opposed to through time periods. It will look at a broad history of art making from its origins through to the modern period, and investigate why art was made the way it was, for whom, and for what purposes. For those who missed the previous sessions he will offer a brief overview.
The conversation will touch on the problematic nature of art history and the silences around art from Africa. The series is expected to provide an understanding of the nature of art practice.
Charges: Ksh. 250/=
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Dale Webster, originally from the UK, has been living in Kenya these last few years. He graduated from St Martins School of Art in London and went on to the University of Leeds and later to the University of California, Berkeley. His undergraduate, postgraduate and teaching experiences were in Philosophy and Art History. Webster worked as a lecturer at a number of academic institutions, including the University of Sierra Leone.