"City in the Sun"  /  Pen, Pencil & Digital Painting   /  41cm x 29cm  /  Ksh 18,500  /  CODE BO:2016:03
“City in the Sun” / Pen, Pencil & Digital Painting / 41cm x 29cm / Ksh 18,500 / CODE BO 2016:03


Brian Omolo

A Nairobi-based artist, Brian Omolo draws inspiration for his work form his personal experiences and the people around him. Based on his desire to work outside the of conventions of computer graphics, he tells his stories through works that combine hand drawn illustrations and computer-aided colour effects. He trained as a graphic designer and illustrator, and has shown his work widely, with two solo shows in Nairobi, as well as group shows in Nairobi, Kampala, London, and Paris.